Let's aim WELL


The WELL Building Standard

THIS is our commitment with enhancing human health and well-being. A revolution in the way people think about buildings

The WELL Building Standard explores how design, operations and behaviors within spaces where we live, work and play can be optimized to advance human health and well-being. The current v2 version is structured in a 11 concepts scheme to approach health and provides insights and recommendations for the 90% of time we spend indoors. Introduced in 2014 by the IWBI (International Well Building Institute), this standard is the first of its kind to focus on people in the built environment helping us to live our lives to the fullest.

WELL v2 is founded in the principles of being equitable, global, evidence based, technical robust, costumer focused and resilient. It covers the Concepts of Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Movement, Thermal Comfort, Sound, Materials, Mind, Community and Innovation.

The quality of lighting is considered to be one of the most important aspects in the built environment.

The Light Concept of WELL v2 promotes exposure to light and aims to create lighting environments that are optimal not only for visual but also for mental and biological health. This concept has 9 features split up into 2 mandatory preconditions (Light Exposure, Visual Lighting Design) and 7 optimizations (Circadian Lighting Design, Electric Light Glare Control, Daylight Design Strategies, Daylight Simulation, Visual Balance, Electric Light Quality and Occupant Lighting Control).

We follow the IALD (International Association of Lighting Designers) and LIRC (Lighting Industry Resource Council) guidelines for WELL Ratings Systems for manufacturers on melanopic ratios, glare control, color rendition and flicker.  
